Titkos Égbolt Projekt: Az UFO jelenség rejtélyei
A szibériai Jakutföld titokzatos kupoláit a helyi folklór üstöknek nevezi. De mi a jakutföldi „Halálvölgy” és mit rejt a tajga Szibériában? Mi lehet az „Installáció” nevű létesítmény, amely az örök fagy birodalmában rejtőzik? Talán köze van az 1908-as tunguszkai eseményhez? 1947-ben létrehozták az…
Project Secret Sky: Mysteries of the UFO Phenomenon
The mysterious domes of Yakutia in Siberia are called cauldrons by local folklore. But what is the Yakut "Death Valley" and what does the taiga hide in Siberia? What could be the facility called "Installation" hidden in the realm of permafrost? Maybe it has something to do with the Tunguska event of…
Project Secret Sky: Mysteries of the Third Reich
Allied pilots noticed strange light phenomena over the European battlefield. These unidentified flying objects were called foo fighters. But what could be behind the mysterious fireballs? The Thule Society and the Vril Society, as well as the Ahnenerbe, played a significant role in the Third Empire.…